We are going Back to Business as Usual !!!

Since the Covid-19 breakout, we have shifted business to “work from home” and since then we got ample time to strategies and revamp the whole business structure.

Now, since the state has issued orders for businesses to go back to normal, we have decided to re-open the doors with very stringent social distancing and hygiene policies, stated as below.

Physical Distancing Best Practices

  • Establish policies and practices for physical distancing between co-workers and between members of the public.
  • Encouraging telework & remote work whenever possible. 
  • Back office and support staff will continue working remotely / from home.
  • Employees and customers should utilize face coverings.
  • Maintaining 6-feet social distancing between employees and visitors.
  • Limit in-person work-related gatherings, including conferences, trade shows, and trainings. 
  • When in-person meetings need to occur, keep meetings as short as possible, limit the number of employees in attendance, and use physical distancing practices.

Enhanced Cleaning and Disinfection Best Practices

  • Ensuring a clean and disinfected space is provided to employees coming to shifts and office.
  • Practice routine cleaning and disinfection of high contact areas and hard surfaces, including check out stations and payment pads, store entrance push/pull pads, doorknobs/handles, dining tables/chairs, light switches, handrails, restrooms, floors, and equipment.
  • To the extent tools or equipment must be shared, provide access to and instruct workers to use an EPA-approved disinfectant to clean items before and after use.
  • Provide a place for employees and customers to wash hands with soap and water or provide alcohol-based hand sanitizers containing at least 60% alcohol.
  • When developing staff schedules, implement additional short breaks to increase the frequency with which staff can wash hands with soap and water. Alternatively, consider providing alcohol-based hand sanitizers with at least 60% alcohol so that workers can frequently sanitize their hands.
  • Provide best hygiene practices to employees on a regular basis, including washing hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds and practicing respiratory etiquette protocols.

Enhanced Workplace Safety Best Practices

  • Preliminary screening all employees coming to work.
  • Instruct employees who are sick to stay at home and not report to work.
  • Develop or adopt flexible sick leave policies to ensure that sick employees do not report to work.
  • Designate a staff person to be responsible for responding to COVID-19 concerns. Employees should know who this person is and how to contact them.
  • Implement staggered shifts for both work periods and break periods. Consider cohort scheduling where groups of employees only work with employees in their group.
  • Limit the number of employees in break rooms and stagger breaks to discourage gatherings.
  • Use messaging boards or digital messaging for pre-shift meeting information.

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